Append on Copy: 

Paste your Json Below and..    

Paste your Xml Below and..    

XML formatter settings


Remove Comments when:

JSON formatter settings


Max Display length for Strings

To improve performance it is better to restrict the max display length of String to something like 1000. Note that this is only for the display and does not affect other features including search. Enter 0 to turn off

Max String Display Length 

Copy Settings

Append Copy Spacing: 
Append Copy Extra Spacing: 
Key Separator: 

Format, Minify and Browse Json or Xml

Copy, paste your json or xml under the corresponding tab and click on format or minify.

Unlike many online xml formatters this formatter does not trim or add formatting spaces to text value under leaf nodes when formatting xmls which can break SOAP apis or java's JAXB. You can change the indentation or remove xml comments when formatting or minifying under the Settings tab.

Click on copy button to copy the formatted on minified text.

Click on browse button to browse the json or xml. xml content is opened in a new browser window (Does not work on Safari). json structure is shown under the Json Tree tab. Below are the key features of the Json Browser under Json Tree tab.

JsonBrowser allows you to browse a json and copy fields

Below is a sample Json. Copy paste under Json Tab and Click on the Tree Tab

  "info": {
    "key1": "Val1",
    "key2": "Val2",
    "list": [1, 2, 3, 4]
  "xmlField": "<RootNode>\n  <SubNode1>Some Value</SubNode1>\n  <Amount>1234</Amount>\n</RootNode>",
  "jsonField": "{\n  \"name\": \"Suresh M\",\n  \"address\": \"Address Line1\\nAddress Line2\\nPostal Code: 100000\",\n  \"phones\": [\n    {\n      \"type\": \"Mobile\",\n      \"number\": \"+918888888888\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"type\": \"Work\",\n      \"number\": \"+91-80-22222222\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"type\": \"Home\",\n      \"number\": \"+91-80-33333333\"\n    }\n  ]\n}"

In the Tree view try the copy button for xmlField and jsonField and also check the contents of exp$jsonField.

You can also click here to try.